•Coagulopathy who are bleeding, or at risk of bleeding, where specific therapy (e.g. vitamin K or factor concentrate) is not appropriate or available.
•May be of use in massive transfusion, cardiac bypass, liver disease or acute DIC to replace labile coagulation factors.
•May be indicated to correct warfarin overdose with life-threatening bleeding in addition to Prothrombin Complex Concentrates (vitamin K dependent factor concentrates e.g. Prothrombinex-VF).
•May be indicated for Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
Dose: Volume depends on clinical situation, patient size and laboratory tests. General guide is 10 -15mL/kg per dose.
For patients with specific factor deficiencies, always consider specific replacement therapy rather than FFP eg Factor VIII for Haemophilia A.